Install using Docker

To use the Docker container interactively (i.e. not just from the command line) you must have a screen-sharing tool available on your system - Xpra ( can work well for this. This allows a screen to be shared between the container and host.

  • Grab the gw docker image:
docker pull kcleal/gw
  • Run the docker container using:
sudo docker run -it -p 9876:9876 \
--mount src=/path/genome,target=/home/genome,type=bind,readonly \
--mount src=/path/bams,target=/home/bams,type=bind,readonly \

The -p option binds the port 9876 between host and container. The –mount options are used to share the folders containing your reference genome and bam files - modify the src=… path as needed.

Now open a web-browser and type in the address A window into the container will be shown, with an xterm terminal open. You can then run gw using:

gw genome/ref.fasta -b bams/your.bam -r chr1:1-20000

If you want to get data out of the container, you will need a setup another mount point when starting the container e.g.:

sudo docker run -it -p 9876:9876 \
--mount src=/path/genome,target=/home/genome,type=bind,readonly \
--mount src=/path/bams,target=/home/bams,type=bind,readonly \
--mount src=${PWD},target=/home/out,type=bind \

Anything saved in /home/out when in the container will be saved in the present-working-directory on your host machine.

Also of note, the container contains the micromamba package manager, so you can download and install new packages as needed.