Installing GW on Linux x86_64 Systems
To install GW as a desktop application on debian systems (Intel only), click the download links below, or head over to GitHub Releases page.
GW is also available for Linux x86_64 systems as a command-line tool and can be installed using Conda.
Using Conda
Once Conda is installed, you can install GW by running the following command in your terminal:
conda install -c conda-forge -c bioconda gw
Building from source
Before building GW, you need to install the glfw3 and htslib libraries. For Ubuntu, fetch these using:
sudo apt install libgl1-mesa-dev libfontconfig-dev libhts-dev glfw
GW can be built and installed using:
git clone && cd gw
make prep && make
cp gw /usr/local/bin
After installation, you can verify that GW has been installed correctly by running:
gw --version